Forge Ahead

Leverage our comprehensive suite of features and propel your institution to the forefront of a competitive landscape.


An Affordable Learning Management System


Streamline, administer, track, and report the delivery of content across your school. Access our all-encompassing suite of features that will help you cut costs and save time over the long haul.


Save time by digitising mundane tasks and processes with just a few clicks via our seamless web and mobile app.

For Colleges

Harness our broad spectrum of sophisticated features and stay ahead of the curve.

Easy grading

Targeted Feedback



Updates & Notifications

Grade Book


Chat Room


Easy grading

Grading is no more a laborious task. Our platform simplifies the grading process with both manual and automatic grading options. Our automated systems identifies errors, and Calculates scores, updates grade books and provides analytics to track progress and performance over time.

Auto Grading

Manual Grading

Targeted Feedback

Our platform enables you to share specific, targeted, personalised feedback that can help students improve and succeed. Highlight strengths, suggest areas of improvement and track progress over time.


Our robust assessment tools empowers you to create both online and offline assessments with ease. Choose questions from our questions bank according to make and difficulty level to create effective assessments.

  • Create & Edit Assessments
  • Differentiated Questions
  • Varying Difficulty Level
  • Customizable Settings
  • Automatic & Manual Grading

Assign HW with a click of a button

Create and assign homework with just a few clicks. With digital assignments you can ensure that every student receives and has access to their work. You can also keep students and parents informed about Pending homework and upcoming due dates for submissions.

Updates and Notifications

Keep your teacher, student and parent community informed and updated about special events, announcements, and important dates.

College to Staff

College to Parents

Teachers to Parents


Our digital grade book allows you to record, calculate and analyze grades and scores over time. Our platform converts raw scores into dynamic barographs that will illustrates a student’s Performance trajectory over time allowing you to visually compare it with their past perforce and class average.

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3


Recording and tracking attendance is a breeze with our digital attendance tool. Record and mark student presence and absences with a single click along with reasons. Save time and keep the parents and the school management informed with the click of a button.

Chat room

Our discussion room features encourages collaboration and empowers students to ask questions, seek help, and share their opinions fostering a supportive learning community.


Recording and tracking attendance is a breeze with our digital attendance tool. Record and mark student presence and absences with a single click along with reasons. Save time and keep the parents and the school management informed with the click of a button.